

Situation / Opening Times 16.12.2020 – 10.01.2021 15. Dezember 2020

german version below / deutsche version weiter unten

Everyone should have heared by now that Germany is on partial lockdown from 16.12.2020 to 10.01.2020 and of course it has impact on us as well. Our workshop will be available as usual to keep everyone mobile and it will be possible to get spare parts to keep  you rolling too (best if you order them for pick up as there is no browsing in the shop). Please make an appointment upfront via telefon or mail if you need a repair.

Normal browsing as usual wont be possible as well there wont be counseling on complete bikes, parts and other stuff in the shop. If you have any questions related to that feel free to drop a mail or call us.

Our webshop will be available as usual and it will be possible to pick up oders as well. For this time its only possible to pick up when the order is payed already to keep contacts to a minimum. If you want to return something form a pick-up made in this time you will have to send it to us or bring it back after 10th of January.

In between the holidays th shop will be closed from 24.12.2020 to 02.01.2020.



Jeder sollte mitbekommen haben, dass in der Zeit vom 16.12.2020 bis 10.01.2021 ein partieller Lockdown beschlossen wurde, von dem auch wir betroffen sind. Um eure Mobilität zu gewährleisten wird in dieser Zeit der Werkstattbestrieb weitergehen und es wird möglich sein Ersatzteile zu bekommen (Am Besten zur Selbstabholung bestellen!) Wenn ihr einen Termin braucht meldet euch bitte telefonisch oder per Mail.

Es wird in dieser Zeit kein normalen Ladenbetrieb geben! Das heißt normales Umschauen und Beratungsgespräche im Laden wird es nicht geben, nur das Abholen und Abgeben von Reparaturen und die Abholung von bezahlten Bestellungen aus dem Onlineshop. Falls ihr Beratung braucht meldet euch bitte telefonisch oder per Mail.

Der Onlineshop wird euch wie gewohnt zur Verfügung stehen und es wird weiterhin möglich sein Bestellungen zur Selbstabholung im Laden abzuholen. In dieser Lockdown Zeit geht das aber nur für vorab online gezahlte Bestellungen. Wenn etwas von einer Selbstabholung umgetauscht werden soll müsst ihr den Artikel per Post retournieren .

Zwischen den Feiertagen wird der Laden vom 24.12. 2020 bis einschließlich 02.02.2021 geschlossen sein!


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Changed Opening Times for the next 3 weeks! 21. August 2020

As most people we like to enjoy holidays (and really need it after this crazy season)! From next week on part of our staff is abroad and to keep our service up we will need to change our opening times /partly close our shop for some days until getting back to normal. We might be a bit slow on mails in the time as well. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused!

26.8.2020 : Shop closed!
27.08.2020: 15 to 20

02.09.2020 : Shop closed
03.09.2020 : 15 to 20

09.09.2020 : Shop closed!
10.9.2020: 15 to 20

All appointments made are still on and you can bring your bikes to the workshop at the given date! Onlineshop will be online as well and all packages send out as fast as possible.


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Acros Nineteen Road Disc X H+SON Hydra 22. Juli 2020

It is always a pleasure to help our customer Basti to save a couple more grams of his beloved Giant TCX. Therefore we helped him out with a so to say „winning team“. We laced one more Acros Components Nineteen Road Disc hub to the H+SOn Hydra rims. With this configurated mixture of Sapim butted […]

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Shop closed 12.5-21.5! 7. Mai 2020

Update: Unfortunately it takes longer as expected, so we will have to close a day more and will be back after bank holiday on 22.5! First of all we want to thank you for your ongoing support in these times! Beacuse of the huge workload we have to close our shop for a bit about […]

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Update Corona Situation 25. März 2020

Yes we are still OPEN! As the need for individual mobility besides public transport is higher than ever, the Berlin Senat decided that bike shops are allowed to open. We are a small business and depend on our local shop business to be open to get trough this times also.

We are taking the situation and the health of our staff and customers very serious and can only keep the shop running if you stick to the rules and precautions to help avoiding spreading infection and keeping everyone healthy.

  • WAIT OUTSIDE if you see one or two customers inside and wait for them coming out
  • KEEP DISTANCE Keep your distance to other customers and our shop staff. (Best 1,5 to 2 m)

  • Make appointments and first requests via phone or mail!

  • Please dont come to the shop if you have any initial symptoms like running nose, sore throat and fever even if you think its just a normal cold!
  • Use the online store to avoid unnecessary contact! If you have enquieries or questions we are happy to help via phone or mail.
  • Please pay by card if possible, we will desinfect the card reader as often as possible

We wish all our customers all the best to get through this times!

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Festka One 4. Februar 2020

We just finished building up this beauty.⁣⁣ and want to introduce our newest partner Festka ⁣⁣⁣Please pass by if you wanna have a closer look at this Festka One Core complete bike. This could be your entry into the world of hi-end carbon frames and frame geometry customisation.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣Stiffness, low weight and comfort in one unique package. Woven carbon filament tubes in a timeless frame design. There is only one Festka ONE.⁣⁣⁣

video : Marie Rutherford
Music: Hazeem

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Holiday Opening Times 19. Dezember 2019

The year comes to its end and want to thank you for your ongoing support. We wish everyone a beautiful christmas, some nice holidays and a good start into the new year! Our shop will be closed from 23.12 .2019 to 01.01.2019 and we will be back for you on 02.01.2019!

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Canoyn Speedmax AL F8 – Nadine 8. November 2019

This 2011 generation Canyon Speedmax got an complete overhaul by us. The triathlon / time machine was updated in close cooperation with Diagnose Berlin to meet Nadines requirements (and no, the seatpost wasnt yet adjusted). We updated the bike with an complete Shimano Ultegra Di2 groupset with a short Rotor Adlhu crankset , a Profile […]

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Goldsprint – 13 Classic – Katharina 26. September 2019

Going through our archive we found this Goldsprint 13 Classic we forgot to show to you. A XXS 13 Classic singlespeed build with Halo TK Track hubs laced to H+SON Archeytpe rims, Goldsprint Classic Pista SL crankset and all black parts for a wondeful clean look!

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Shop closed on Saturday 31.08.2019 29. August 2019

Sorry for the short notice, but we are low on staff right now and will have to close our shop on Saturday, 31.08.2019 due to the Brother in The Wild Berlin Event! We hope to see a lot of you at the Event ! Sorry for any inconvenience caused!

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