Awesome MASH Steel custom build from the last batch of frames we got a while ago before Corona hit the bike production lines hard. Awesome raw frame build with Dia Compe Gran Compe hubs laced to H+SON TB14 rims, SRAM Omnium crankset, Kappstein sprocket, Chris King headset, Paul Components canti brakes + levers, Thomson seatpost […]
Going through the archives we found some custom gems that we havent shown you yet. For Jacob we made this awesome Surly Cross Check Singlespeed build with only the best: White Industries crankset, SON Dynamo and Surly Ultra New rear hub laced to H+SON Archetype rims, Chris King headset, Brooks cambium saddle on Velo Orange […]
Colourway of the month: Red’n’Black. Sure, according to Bike-Feng-Shui, the combination of top-speed and acceleration! So we laced a couple more @duke_racingwheels carbon „World Runner“ & „Baccarara SLS2“ rims to a red pair of @carbon_ti „X-Hub SP CL“ and @acroscomponents „Nineteen Road SP“ hubs. What will be next months colour? Let us know and text […]
We are really sorry we kept you waiting for these beautiful @mashsf AC-2 framesets so long. But finally they are to arrive this week and all available stock will go online in our webshop on saturday evening. We dont offer any preorders before that exept you want a complete bike build by us. In that […]
Happy about sending out another custom laced Beast Components GR25 Gravel-Wheelset onto the unspoiled wilderniss trails of Brandenburg. This time a Carbon Ti SL hub rotates the rear wheel while a SON 28 12 powerhouse spinning the front. First impression of the cycling enthusiast: „Feels like cheating uphill.“ No more to say!
Everyone should have heared by now that Germany is on partial lockdown from 16.12.2020 to 10.01.2020 and of course it has impact on us as well. Our workshop will be available as usual to keep everyone mobile and it will be possible to get spare parts to keep you rolling too (best if you order them for pick up as there is no browsing in the shop). Please make an appointment upfront via telefon or mail if you need a repair.
Normal browsing as usual wont be possible as well there wont be counseling on complete bikes, parts and other stuff in the shop. If you have any questions related to that feel free to drop a mail or call us.
Our webshop will be available as usual and it will be possible to pick up oders as well. For this time its only possible to pick up when the order is payed already to keep contacts to a minimum. If you want to return something form a pick-up made in this time you will have to send it to us or bring it back after 10th of January.
In between the holidays th shop will be closed from 24.12.2020 to 02.01.2020.
Jeder sollte mitbekommen haben, dass in der Zeit vom 16.12.2020 bis 10.01.2021 ein partieller Lockdown beschlossen wurde, von dem auch wir betroffen sind. Um eure Mobilität zu gewährleisten wird in dieser Zeit der Werkstattbestrieb weitergehen und es wird möglich sein Ersatzteile zu bekommen (Am Besten zur Selbstabholung bestellen!) Wenn ihr einen Termin braucht meldet euch bitte telefonisch oder per Mail.
Es wird in dieser Zeit kein normalen Ladenbetrieb geben! Das heißt normales Umschauen und Beratungsgespräche im Laden wird es nicht geben, nur das Abholen und Abgeben von Reparaturen und die Abholung von bezahlten Bestellungen aus dem Onlineshop. Falls ihr Beratung braucht meldet euch bitte telefonisch oder per Mail.
Der Onlineshop wird euch wie gewohnt zur Verfügung stehen und es wird weiterhin möglich sein Bestellungen zur Selbstabholung im Laden abzuholen. In dieser Lockdown Zeit geht das aber nur für vorab online gezahlte Bestellungen. Wenn etwas von einer Selbstabholung umgetauscht werden soll müsst ihr den Artikel per Post retournieren .
Zwischen den Feiertagen wird der Laden vom 24.12. 2020 bis einschließlich 02.02.2021 geschlossen sein!
Not sure if tarmac turns into an endless gravel road on your next trip? Trying not to be expelled from your weekly roadie group ride? 😉 With the Sour Bicycles „Clouless“ frame-set as base for your next ride both options are possible. With a true road geometry these two bikes will devour paved roads as […]
Dead on time crew’n’friend member Hagen dropped by with some early X-Mas presents in his bag. He brought a Boltcutter Cycles Peacemaker G+ frameset including the sweetest crank on the market, a set Cane Creek titan eeWings. So we put together what belongs together! Hope Technology „RS4 C“ hubs spinning the center of our „Ultimate […]
With the all new „TCR 2021“ frame-sets already available, our customer Julius probably was pretty happy about the chance of getting this bargain of an Giant TCR Advanced SL Disc 2020 frame-set. We helped him to what he had in mind. He will hit the following roads on a custom wheel-set based around @erasecomponents Road […]
As most people we like to enjoy holidays (and really need it after this crazy season)! From next week on part of our staff is abroad and to keep our service up we will need to change our opening times /partly close our shop for some days until getting back to normal. We might be a bit slow on mails in the time as well. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused!
26.8.2020 : Shop closed!
27.08.2020: 15 to 20
02.09.2020 : Shop closed
03.09.2020 : 15 to 20
09.09.2020 : Shop closed!
10.9.2020: 15 to 20
All appointments made are still on and you can bring your bikes to the workshop at the given date! Onlineshop will be online as well and all packages send out as fast as possible.